21 December 2009


2009 that was…
We moved to a new location, southward . Do up the new house - my final place for retirement, insyaAllah. Immediately ...busy with building works, landscaping, interior etc for the New SZ Nilai Impian Studio (SZ@43JNI3). Follow with finalising arrangement for the second last wedding event of the family. Decision on the Majlis Nikah for Syaza+Rassyid… what's the best thing to do (simple but proper). May 1st, Abang Zainal kembali ke Rahmatullah. Very sudden, very unexpected… very sad. Family from Nilai-Kluang met at (SZ@43JNI3) and decisions made. Wedding for Syazwan and Syazwani went on very well. So happy at the same time so sad… Ayah and Mak were not present for the occasions. Zan and Syaza performed Umrah. Ayah condition worsen… and finally Ayah left us, after Friday prayer on July, 3rd. Held Syaza+Rassyid Akad Nikad ceremony at SZ@43JNI3 on Syazwan’s birthday, July 19th. Also went well and also very sad that Ayah is no longer with us. Rassyid’s family spend the night at SZ@43JNI3 and on August 17th Syaza and Rassyid left for Pittburgh USA . Happy and sad... Nothing much after August, Aidilfitri, Aidiladha, Nurul’s wedding, Along’s engagement. Not as quiet as initially anticipated, thankfully Syazwan and Syazwani still around, even though they move between Nilai Impian and Hulu Langat. Syazwani started work while at the same time doing her part-time study. Syazwan and Syazwani finally manage to find time for their belated honeymoon - to Korea. One of our immediate neighbour Mirwan Singh+Helen, move in before Christmas. Zan and some Rapat Girls will be in Singapore for the New Year countdown. Yes it've been a HAPPY+SAD 2009. Ya Allah lancarkan dan permudahkan lah segala urusan kami pada tahun hadapan 2010/1431H. Lindungi dan berkati lah kami dunia dan akhirat. Amin
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan sekelian alam. Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, ahli keluarga, dan sahabat-sahabatnya.
Ya Allah, telah berlalu setahun dalam hidup kami. Sesungguhnya Engkau telah menganugerahkan kami nikmat-Mu yang tidak dapat kami menjangkau kehebatannya. Engkau telah memelihara kami daripada keburukan yang tidak mampu kami menolaknya. Kami telah melakukan dalam tahun tersebut perbuatan dan amalan yang Engkau Maha mengetahui baik dan buruknya.
Ya Allah, sekiranya amalan tersebut bersesuain dengan ketetapan-Mu, terimalah dan catatkannya sebagai amalan soleh kami di sisi-Mu. Dan sekiranya amalan tersebut berbaur dengan sifat riya', ujub, dan menunjuk-nunjuk atau kami lakukan perilaku dosa, kesalahan dan keinginan yang buruk, maka kami pohon pengampunan-Mu dan tutupilah segala keaiban dan kesalahan. Kurniakanlah ke atas kami kelebihan dan keluasan sifat pemurah-Mu. Itulah kemuncak permintaan dan doa kami.
Ya Allah, sesungguhnya telah datang kepada kami tahun baru setelah kami meninggalkan tahun ini sebentar nanti, kami tidak tahu apakah yang terkandung dalam pengetahuan-Mu mengenai diri kami. Kami jahil ke mana arahnya penghidupan kami di alam maya ini. Harapan kami agar Engkau membuka lembaran tahun baru ini pintu taubat yang jujur dan tulus untuk kami, yang tidak berakhir dengan kekufuran dan kesesatan. Dan Engkau kurniakan taufiq kepada kami pada tahun ini untuk melakukan amalan-amalan soleh yang Engkau redai, kehidupan yang murni yang Engkau rahmati.
Ya Allah, peliharalah anggota kami agar melakukan ketaatan kepada-Mu. Peliharalah hati kami agar dipenuhi dengan kecintaan. Lapangkan hati kami agar dapat kami mendekati-Mu seperti mana Engkau telah lapangkan hati hamba-hamba-Mu yang soleh. Jadikan kami di antara orang-orang yang menepati janji dalam menjalankan hak. Jadikan kehidupan kami sebagai saksi yang benar terhadap setiap amalan seperti mana yang Engkau syariatkan kepada kami, Wahai Tuhan Yang Maha Pemurah, Yang Maha Penganugerah

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Segala puji bagi Allah, Tuhan sekelian alam. Selawat dan salam ke atas junjungan besar Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam, ahli keluarga, dan sahabat-sahabatnya. Ya Allah, kami menadah tangan kepada-Mu pada waktu malam dan siang dalam keadaan kami bertawassul dengan nama-nama Mu, dalam keadaan kami mengharapkan gedung rahmat yang sarat di samping Mu. Dan dalam keadaan kami cinta sesungguhnya kepada-Mu dan cinta apa yang menghiasi kebesaran-Mu.
Ya Allah, Ya Rabbul Jalil. Dengan sunnah-Mu menjelang kini tahun baru yang telah Engkau tentukan mengikut qada dan qadar di Loh Mahfuz-Mu. Kami meredahnya di bawah Iradah dan Qudrat-Mu. Sebagai makhluk-Mu yang sentiasa mencari keredaan-Mu. Kehadiran tahun baru ini, memungkinkan kami menadah tangan memohon rahman-Mu, kami pertautkan permohonan kami sekental-kentalnya kepada Mu. Kami mengharap perdampingan taufik dan hidayah-Mu yang telah Engkau berikan kepada kami pada masa-masa yang lalu sepanjang usia kami. Engkau sempurnakan perlindungan dan pemberian-Mu yang begitu melimpah kepada kami. Jadikanlah diri kami, hati kami serta seluruh anggota badan kami jati kekuatan, sepertimana Engkau berikan kepada hamba-hamba Mu yang terpilih. Supaya kekuatan ini dapat kami gunakannya sebagai pelindung daripada segala kemungkaran, sama ada yang zahir atau yang batin. Dan dengannya kami dapat kelapangan pemikiran, keindahan kehidupan, kekuatan dalam keyakinan, ketetapan dalam pegangan agama, dan kebaikan untuk diri kami dan orang-orang sekitar kami.
Ya Allah, hindarkan kami daripada segala yang merungsingkan, pemikiran yang membingungkan, pengalaman yang menyedihkan dan menyempitkan dada kami. Kurniakan kepada kami keselamatan dalam pemeliharaan-Mu yang dapat melindung kami dari sebarang kejahatan, keburukan dan kerunsingan. Ya Allah, rahmatilah permintaan kami, terimalah kepasrahan diri kami kepada-Mu, Wahai Penolong hamba yang meminta pertolongan, tolonglah kami. Wahai Pencegah kemusnahan, hindarilah kami dari kemusnahan dan keporak-perandaan. Ya Rahman Ya Rahim! Jadikanlah lipatan tahun baru ini pembuka bagi kejayaan, ketenangan yang menyeluruh untuk kami dan kaum Muslimin keseluruhannya memelihara agama-Mu. Hamparkan di dalamnya hamparan rahmat-Mu sepertimana Engkau berikan kepada hamba-hamba Mu yang terpilih. Rahmat yang dapat menghindarkan segala kepayahan dan kerunsingan. Ya Allah, kekalkanlah tahun-tahun yang akan datang dalam hidup kami dengan catatan kegembiraan, kebahagian dan kelapangan, supaya kami dapat rasakan dalam detik hidup kami kenikmatan yang ada padanya. Ya Allah, jadikanlah tahun yang akan datang, semulia-mulia tahun yang Engkau berkati ke atas kami. Jadikanlah kami orang yang paling bahagia bersama-Mu. Ya Allah, ampunkanlah segala kesalahan kami, dan terimalah kebaikan kami, berkatilah masa, waktu dan segala gerak-geri kami. Wassallalahu Ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa Ala Aalihi wa Sahbihi Wassalam....

07 December 2009


MENYAMBUT HARI RAYA AIDILADHA 2009 = SUNYI. Raya di rumah Mak di Jalan Kent Satu KL amat terasa sunyi.... Ayah dan Abang telah meninggalkan kita buat selama nya... tetapi akan tetap di ingatan, di hati dan di doa buat selama nya. Kak Bedah dan famili berada di Dublin melawat Halim, Kak Wok dan famili di Qatar melawat Zaireen, Hisham dan famili di Greece melawat lawat dan Syaza dan Rassyid di Washington melawat Uncle Robert De Silva. This AidilAdha -No photo session... just a visit to Pusara Ayah and play host to Abang Khair, Kak Min and kids. Really made you think and feel that things have really change... so berkorban before it's too late. InsyaAllah we'll be blessed always.

To Hisham selamat menyambut AidilAdha, Ulangtahun Kelahiran dan Perkahwinan

17 September 2009


Assalamualaikum wbt Syaza
So after 20 years beraya di Taman Permata, Jalan Kent, Rapat Jaya, Parit dan tak sempat di Nilai Impian Sekarang beraya di Pittsburg USA. Mesti seronok pengalaman baru. Anyway enjoy the experience and take care always. Salam Aidilfitri to Rassyid …. You two always remember tujuan utama di sana, belajar bersungguh sungguh dan always always always jaga diri. This will be a different Raya for me… di tempat baru -Nilai Impian (all your life beraya dengan Papa , Ibu & Wawan di Permata), Tok dan Pak Wa dah tak de, Wawan dah ada dua rumah dan kampong, Aja dah tak beraya bersama dan telah menjadi isteri Rassyid. OK you two be good to each other.
…. But this year we have Wani beraya bersama.
So Wani kena ambil tugas Aja masuk duit raya Papa untuk anak saudara ke dalam sampul duit. So it will be an International Muslim Aidilfitri for you and Rassyid this year. Petang ni we ‘ll be berbuka kat Hotel Terhebat di B B Nilai. Miss ya. Bye



04 September 2009


.... after 20 years of celebrating Aidilfitri together as the 4 SZ, 2009 will be different. Syazwan now has Hulu Langat and Syaza has Kluang as their new HOME. It will be a new beginning for all. InsyaAllah the SZ families will grow and one day 'balik kampong' will means balik Nilai Impian... thinking 10 years ahead!

31 August 2009



LAST YEAR - activities in the month of Ramadan were carried out by the 4 of us... ShukZanWanAja. Together we fast, break fast at home/hotels/restaurants, shop for foods/clothing, went for solat terawih, bersahur... THIS YEAR - Syaza & Syazwan are married. Syaza left with Rassyid to the USA to further their studies and Syazwan gone to the in-law's... So now there's only the 2 of us SZ=ShukZan.
But we're not 'alone' NorJannah the house assistance is around so are 3cats & 3kittens.
It's a matter of 'cycle' I guese... And this Aidifitri will definitely be different without Ayah & Abang. I still get teary eyes during terawih prayer, whenever Ayah images flashed through... So it's a new Ramadan & Aidifitri starting 2009. I pray to ALLAH Zan
& I will be blessed with health and happiness always... so do our kids & in-laws. Amin

25 August 2009

Everyday@A Good Day

For Syaza & Rassyid this songs I recorded 2 years ago on the occasion of Syaza entrance to INTI University. Again Papa wish you both all the best in your study, new experience and life in general. Always remember these - we are not perfect, learning is forever, be humble, respect others and thank Allah always. Rereleasing this song for you both. HAVE A GREAT LIFE.

29 July 2009


A daughter is forever… No matter how old she is, in your heart she’ll always be that little girl full of imagination, dreams and fantastic potential – the one who captured your heart the day she came into your life…

Now she’s married with a husband who will take over the role and responsibility that the parents have being doing throughout her life…??? It’s really not that easy to let go of the r&r, especially since both of them are young. Hope they will start moving into the real world with open mind and guidance from Allah. I will always pray for their everlasting happiness. Hope they will always keep their patience, line of frank communication open at all time especially during “bad” moment, and always remember nothing and nobody’s perfect… except Allah.

Syaza and Rassyid will be flying off to Pittsburg USA to pursue their knowledge in Political Science this August. It will not be easy for me - as I’m not the goodbye type of person. She have being with us all this 20 years. It will be hard… just like the time when Syazwan was to be enrolled into MRSM in Bersia, Perlis. The night before must be my saddest night… and I could hardly sleep, spending most of the time in the hotel bathroom.... SHE"S LEAVING HOME!

Arrangement for my daughter’s wedding reception will be initiated soon. InsyaAllah it will be held next July at Nilai Impian during the summer break. Hope it will be as beautiful and successful as the one for Syazwan and Syazwani.

Please know and remember that it is with the greatest joy that I am your guardian and protector. Please know and remember that I will always strive to fulfill these roles with honor, trust and respect for your thoughts, feelings and individuality. What matters most in life are the people you love and you will be one of the people in my life whom I love the most. You are the essence of joy and the true meaning of life. You are the part of me that I’m most proud of because you’re you You are the rare treasured gift. You are a dream with all its hope and promise. You are love, endless and pure. You are my beautiful daughter. Please know and remember this always.

Question:There is a widespread custom of a young woman or her father refusing those who propose to her until she has completed her high school or university education, or so that she may study for a number of years. What is the ruling on that?
Answer:My advice to all young men and women is to marry without delay and to hasten to it, if conditions permit, as the Prophet sallallaahu alayhi was salaam said:
‘O you young men! Those among you who have the means and the ability should marry, because it restrains the eyes (from evil glances) and preserves the private parts (from immorality). And whoever is unable to do so, should fast because it is a protection for him.’ (Al-Bukhari no. 5066 and Muslim no. 1400)
And he sallallaahu alayhi was salaam said:
‘If one whose religion and character pleases you proposes to you, then marry (your daughter to) him. If you do not do so, it will be a cause of trial in the land and great corruption.’ (At-Tirmithi no. 1084)

24 July 2009


Ayah@We'll Miss You

Exactly a week after celebrating my 51st birthday, Friday 3 July 2009 my beloved Ayah, Haji Ahmad Lebai Salleh pass away at the age of 84. Was with him from 8am right up to his his very last moment 2.45pm at 17 Jalan Kent 1, Kuala Lumpur. We were all around him except for our youngest brother who is working in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Ayah was not responding the whole day due to high fewer, right up to around 2.40pm when his mouth and tounge start moving and was seen to be trying to say something. I reminded him to mengucap’ that there is no God but ALLAH continuously and I heard at the very last breath he manage to say Allah and immediately goes to “sleep”. My sister Dr Zubaidah confirmed that he is no more with us. He had “return”. As he always wanted to “balik” for the past months. That last moment was quite “gentle”. With a calm face he left us all. He was then buried at Tanah Perkuburan Dato Keramat. May Allah bless his soul and place him in Jannah. My youngest brother Hisham arrived after the burial as he was delayed at Bahrain Airport for 3 hours. We now left with our beloved Mak. Pray that she’ll be bless with good health always and will be with us for a long time to come. I’m so thankful to God for giving the nikmah and rahmah to be able to be with my parents rights past my 50s years birthday. Al Fatihah.

20 June 2009


After a year of planning and executing the various stages of implementation… . we finally reach the climax. I could say it was a success. The whole majlis perkahwinan at our humble home went on smoothly… except for some problem at the PLUS highway, causing our guests to be slightly late. As I said during the wedding speech, it have being a unique, interesting, exciting and tiring experience. Zan take care of putting everything in place while I take care of the design and financial aspect.

Involving logistic such as location, programme, invitation card, theme, dress, tents, tables chairs, foods, songs, sound system, master of ceremony, presentation, photography, videography, stage décor, room décor, gifts, parking, accommodation, distribution of duties, duty list, guest lists….. on and on.

Guests include siblings, relatives, friends, school mates, college mates, university mates, colleagues, neighbors and … new family members, that is the in-laws. It was sort of a reunion for us all.

After the dust has settle down it was satisfying to look back at all the decisions made - rightly or wrongly. How things turn out. Strengths and weaknesses, lessons learn, money spend….

As parents what matter most is the blessing of the couple as husband and wife and we pray for their everlasting happiness in their journey through life … always and forever together.

Now moving on to the next - MAJLIS.

Majlis Pernikahan Syaza & Rassyid on the 19 July 2009 insyaAllah

Approval of Parents from both side formalised on the 3rd May 2009. JPA approved on the 13th June 2009 and finally approval from Religious Department on th18th June 2009.

So, once Zan and Syaza come back from performing the Umrah, we will start the planning stage all over again….


Sebenarnya apakah ucapan yang paling baik untuk mempelai-mempelai yang baru mendirikan rumahtangga? Di dalam sebuah hadith, telah diriwayatkan bahawa Aqil Ibnu Ali Abi Talib r.a. telah menikahi seorang wanita dari kalangan Bani Jusham. Lalu orang ramai datang dan berkata, “Semoga berbahagia dan ramai anak.” Mendengar yang demikian Aqil berkata, “Janganlah kamu mengatakan demikian, kerana sesungguhnya Rasulullah s.a.w. telah melarang yang demikian.”

Mereka lalu bertanya, “Jika demikian, apakah yang patut kami katakan wahai Abu Yazid?”

Aqil menjawab, “Katakan (Semoga Allah memberkati kamu dan melimpahkan berkat kepada kamu). Begitulah yang diperintahkan kepada kita”.[1] Di dalam sebuah hadith riwayat Imam Bukhari, diceritakan Rasullulah s.a.w. ternampak kesan Sufrah (sejenis wangian berwarna kuning) di baju Abdul Rahman Bin Auf r.a. lalu beliau bertanya, “Apakah ini?” Abdul Rahman r.a. menjawab, “saya telah mengahwini seorang wanita dan telah membayar mas kahwin seberat sebiji kurma.” Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda, “ (semoga kamu diberkati). Adakan walimah walaupun dengan seekor kibash”[2] Menurut Abu Hurairah r.a. apabila mendoakan seseorang yang baru berkahwin, Rasulullah s.a.w. akan berkata,

“(Semoga Allah memberkati kamu dan melimpahkan berkat kepada kamu dan menghimpunkan kedua kamu di dalam kebaikkan.)”

[3] Menurut Imam Nawawi di dalam Al-Azkar adalah disunatkan kita mengucapkan seperti ucapan-ucapan Rasulullah s.a.w. di atas. Menurut beliau lagi, adalah makruh kita mengucapkan “Semoga berbahagia dan banyak anak.”[4] Mana tidaknya, kehidupan pasangan yang diberkatiNya sudah tentu gembira dan bahagia. Sedangkan kehidupan pasangan yang gembira dan bahagia, belum tentu mendapat keberkatanNya.

24 March 2009



After all this years, I still get questions on riding bike… use to be from the interested rider himself. Now it’s from the parents. Concern fathers and mothers. When their teenage kids asked for a bike, they will think of me and surely ask “is it safe?” My answer is “just like any other mode of transportation….” Learn basic riding theory; understand basic mechanical functions; sharpen your skill; ride within limit (ability); focus and also assume a worse case scenario and be prepare for it.

The normal advised I gave are as follows:

Ingat ingatkan anak tu bila menunggang moto tu.........

2. Sape betul salah dah tak relevan... kena pandai2 jaga diri. Yang bawa moto akhirnya yang menerima padah dari kebodohan pemandu kenderaan yang lebih berat
3. Sentiasa FOCUS sepenuhnya ( pada speed moto tak de masa nak khayal) Jaga kenderaan/lori yg berhenti di tepi jalan
4. Prepare for the worse scenario... andaikan pemandu lain akan tukar lane tanpa signal, keluar simpang tak pandang kiri kanan, orang depan akan brek mengejut…
5. Pakai pakaian yang tarik perhatian orang (cerah) … jangan pakai selipar atau kasut yang ada tali panjang yang mungkin tersangkut
6. Pakai topi keledar dengan betul dan all the time
7. Pantau keadaan moto… terutama tayar, brek, lampu brek
8. Selain moto faktor lain yang perlu diberi perhatian… permukaan jalan (lubang,pasir, minyak) dan pemandu (orang terlalu tua, orang terlalu muda, perempuan)
9. Kena SERIUS pasal teknik…. belajar dan belajar ( seperti pusing handle moto ke kiri bila hendak ke kanan – counter steering)
10.Pastikan ada lesen & cukai jalan (penunggang biasa diganggu oleh pihak berkuasa)
11.Kurangkan guna brek dalam keadaan kecermasan… lebihkan kawalan arah dan mengelak dari tekan brek
12.Kalau dah kurang dan akan hilang kawalan dan nak jatuh juga… elak jatuh di kawasan laluan kenderaan lain, langgar pokok dan tiang
13.kalau ride bersama rakan arakan, tidak perlu ikut kelajuan dan gaya mereka, ikut pada tahap kebolehan dan pengalaman sendiri. Dalam kumpulan ada yang telah menunggang 10 tahun dan ada yang baru dapat moto.
14.Baca Bismillah selawat dan doa menaiki kenderaan.

16 February 2009



  1. Time sure fly fast… it was like yesterday -16 February 1989- that we thought was going to be the second cesarean birth for Zan, after Syazwan’s arrival in 1985. However, the scheduled operation was delay because the doctor was needed to carry out an unplanned emergency operation. So I went for a quick lunch… by the time I came back Syaza was delivered - without the operation. I was later told that a nurse came over to Zan’s bed and successfully coach her on the breathing and pushing technique. It was the greatest feeling and we were so thankful that we got a pair… a boy and a girl… Alhamdulillah. We brought home the baby girl from Roopi Clinic to Taman Permata… and spend our time bringing up Syaza from 1989 until 2009 in this neighborhood… kindergarten, religious school, Quran class, tuition class, primary school, secondary school and INTI University College. After 20 years…. we move to Nilai Impian. And in the middle of 2009 she be flying off to USA to further her study. That would be difficult for us all, as we have always being together.
  2. She practically grew up right in front of us, from crying, crawling, walking, swimming, running, skating, cycling, singing, talking, discussing, debating, arguing, driving, photographing, guitaring… Syaza have done extremely well in almost everything she does. I miss all those time when we hugged, she sat on my lap, climbed on my back, attend concerts, cycling, swimmed to the bottom of the swimming pool, played, teased, talked, cycled.... it make me sad just thinking of those time that goes too fast? But one of the saddest moment was when she was left behind for the 2007 Haj even though she was chosen... I wept & prayed throughout the Haj season everything I thought of Syaza being left behind - but God knows best.. takdir.
  3. She once had a birthday gathering with friends at our “back yard” in Taman Permata when she was 11 years old. And last night after 10 years she invited her new friends to her birthday gathering at our “back yard” in Nilai.. My prayer will always be for her continuous success in life… in everything she does - dunia dan akhirat. And pray she would always be… a humble self, respect others and be thankful to GOD for all the blessing.
HAPPY -20- BIRTHDAY Aja … love you always.
Take care and strive for the best always.

Never forget we are Malay second Muslim first. Wassalam..

28 January 2009

SZ 2009@Nilai Impian

Jalan Permata 4

We finally move from HULU KELANG to NILAI IMPIAN with a feeling of excitement and sadness. Being rooted at Hulu Kelang since the 80s immediately after married. So many many many memories came flashing back as we migrate to the South.

Start on our own at Melawati. First landowner wanted to move back to her unit after renting to us for only a couple of months. We move a few units away, and also encountered another problem as the bank were going after the property. We end up on the other side in Permata 4. Syazwan came, through Roopi Clinic. One day the landowner requested we vacate the house as he was transferred back to KL. Again looking for a house. Found one for sale…. and that it. Bought it. Syaza came, through Roopi Clinic. We been together ever since… the four of us. The SZ Creative Studio were based in Taman Permata since. Here they grew… learning to walk, run, jump, cycle, swim, mengaji, tuition, drive…

And all the experiences…. the pasar malam has become Giant Supermarket. Century Club where we swim; play badminton; karaoke; video games, Haji Tapak’s roti nan, the school where we collected their yearly report card as well as awards, Restaurant NZ, Jaya Jusco, KLCC, Ampang Park, Briani Johor. Arwah Mak was our special guest until her passing. Renovated the house a few time. Moving temporarily to a rented house. All the cats and the maids.

A very wonderfully beautiful HOME. Really miss the place and it feeling of security and togetherness … that kept us safe and sound all those years. Syazwan almost left home for MRSM but some how was pull back home. Eventually Syazwan move out to Multi Media University in Cyberjaya, but will be back for all weekend and so did Syaza to INTI in Nilai. Loads of memories.

Pray that the NEW HOME be as good or better. Guess this is where I’m going to retreat after retirement. Syazwan and Syaza will one day have their own. But for now this is HOME for us especially for Zan and I to grow old together insyaAllah
arly Days@Permata 4

Our First Home@Permata 2
Our Last Day@Permata 2