· Last Ramadan my father@Ayah all of a sudden start losing his appetite and weight… and definitely beginning to start getting weaker by the days. The development was quite worrisome so I suggested to my sister that we better get him to do a thorough check-up at the hospital to determine the reason for the deterioration
· We took him to Selayang Hospital for preliminary check up and through the blood and urine test carried out…. Everything seem to be okay. A week later, during follow up x-ray test appointment… it was accidentally discover that the previous blood test result was actually not so good after all. The doctor suspected that this was due to the kidney failure to function fully.
· Thorough follow-up test was done to ascertain the suspicion and was sadly confirmed. Doctor stress dialysis was the only treatment for kidney failure. So the options was laid on the table. hemodialysis… peritoneal dialysis…. at the hospital… at home…. every 6 hours… once daily… process and procedure….
· So decisions was collectively made and now going through the process and always with prayer that Ayah will be well and healthy again, as a 83 years old man insyaAllah .
· We decided to go for the peritoneal dialysis…. peritoneal dialysis (PD), you have some choices in treating advanced and permanent kidney failure. Since the 1980s, when PD first became a practical and widespread treatment for kidney failure, much has been learned about how to make PD more effective and minimize side effects. Since you don’t have to schedule dialysis sessions at the hospital, it gives you more control. You can give yourself treatments at home, at work, or on trips. But this independence makes it especially important that you work closely with your health care team: your nephrologist, dialysis nurse, dialysis technician, dietitian, and of course … the most important members of your health care team are Mum@Mak and family members. By learning about your treatment, you can work with your health care team to give yourself the best possible results. MAK... ALWAYS THERE AND READY